Expertise/Research Areas
- Characterization of high temperature properties of BF burden material
- Introduction of Coated Tuyeres in BF
- Improving productivity and Decrease in coke rate of BF through optimization of burden distribution, blast parameters etc.
- Enhancement of PCI rate in BF
- Stabilization of Bigger Blast Furnace operation (> 4000 m3)
- Automatic control of Raceway Adiabatic Flame Temperature (RAFT)
- Optimization of Slag Regime of BF
- Alternate fuel (PCI, coal tar, CBM/NG etc.) injection in BF
- Co-injection of Flux & PCI in Blast Furnace
- Revival of Blast Furnace after hearth chilling
- Blast Furnace hearth protection measures
- Enhancing Campaign life of BF
- Alkali management
- Diagnosis of irregularities in BF and their control
- Techno-economic evaluation of BF process
- BF process evaluation through probes and sensor
- Shotcreting, Banking, Blow Down & Blowing-in of Blast Furnace
- Thermal Scanning of BF & stoves to identify weak areas
- Refractory & Cooling System of BF
- Sponge Iron, Scrap usage in BF
- Consultancy services in the field of Blast furnace iron making (Kalinga iron works, Sesa Goa and others) setting up R & D facilities in the field of iron making

Softening-Melting Determination Apparatus High Temperature Viscometer